Application and the Comparison of the Difference Method and the Ratio Method in the Correction of the Error 差值法与比值法的误差修正效果比较研究及应用
Analysis and Correction of Retrace Error for Nonnull Aspheric Testing 非球面非零位检测中的回程误差分析与校正
A correction of an error in program; usually a temporary correction or bypass of defective code. 对程序中的错误的修改,通常是临时性的修改或绕过错误代码。
Through example simulation, the correction of error compensation model and availability of error compensation method are verified for NC machine tool. 通过实例仿真,验证数控机床误差补偿模型的正确性以及误差补偿方法的有效性。
Computation and Correction of Hyperbola Error Produced in Working Taper with Formed Turning Tool 成形车刀加工锥体工件产生的双曲线误差的计算与修正
Correction of error in the center of rotation of fan-beam filter back projection algorithms 扇束滤波反投影重构算法中旋转中心误差校正
Partial Distortion Correction of Rectification Error of Remote Sensing Images 遥感图像纠正误差的局部变形改正
The Correction of Geometric Error for Laser Tracker 激光跟踪仪几何误差修正
Research on the correction of non-linear error of position sensitive detector 位置敏感探测器非线性误差修正实验研究
Analysis and correction of dosimetric error in wedge field dose calculation 楔形野剂量计算中的误差分析和修正
Three-step correction of error of rainfall remote measuring with consideration of rainfall center 考虑降雨中心的遥测降雨三步修正
Study on Software Correction of Measurement Error for Intelligent Macromolecule Humidity Instrument 智能型高分子湿度测量误差的软件修正研究
On the Correction of Systematic Error in Sound Intensity Measurement 声强测量中系统误差修正的若干问题研究
Real-time correction of gyroscope error parameter by star sensor 基于星敏感器的陀螺仪误差参数实时修正
The problems of the correction of track error of discrete dot and the emersion control of time synchronization are discussed. 讨论了飞机离散点航迹误差的修正、插值算法以及时间同步播放控制问题。
This paper not only correct coefficient correction of error of tilt and relief displacement but also offers method to define area of converging water by use of tilt-photograph on the basis of analysis of influence caused by error of tilt and relief displacement. 本文分析了航片上的倾斜误差和投影差,并推导出在倾斜航片上量测汇水面积时倾斜误差和投影差的改正系数,给出了改正方法。
The real-time correction of gyroscope error parameter in SINS by star sensor was researched. 主要研究导弹发射升空以后,通过星敏感器测星实现对捷联惯导系统中陀螺仪误差参数的实时修正技术。
Radiotherapy quality can be improved by rapid assessment of the position and timely correction of set-up error. 因此在治疗中快速准确地做出摆位评估,及时纠正摆位误差,是保证放射治疗质量的关键。
Use Double Frequency Laser Interferometer to Make Real Time Correction of Abbe Error and Its Test 用双频激光干涉仪实时修正阿贝误差的方法和实验
The correction of accounting error is the after remedial measures for the problems in the early period accounting report, and is the representation of the function of correction system for accounting report. 会计差错更正是对前期财务报告存在问题的事后补救措施,是财务报告体系的纠错机制发挥作用的表现。
The Correction of Radius Error of the Probe in Touch Measurement 接触测量中测头半径误差的修正
When we study the coordinate alignment, We divide it into two part, platform alignment and system alignment. In each part, we divided the alignment process into two process: coordinate conversion and the correction of system error. 将坐标对准分为平台级对准和系统级对准两部分,两种坐标对准的过程又分为了坐标转换和系统偏差的修正两个步骤进行。
Correction of measurement error of welding stress by error curve method 用误差曲线法修正焊接应力测量误差
Correction of System Error Caused by Transmission Medium in Multi-static Radar System 传输介质引起的多基地雷达的系统误差修正
The Study On Three-Channel Laser Interferometer For Real-Time Correction of Abbe Error 用于阿贝误差实时修正的三通道激光干涉仪的研究
Analysis and Correction of Error in the Laser Rapid Prototyping System 激光快速成型系统的误差分析与校正
The Correction of Calibration Error in Measurements of Density for New Material by M.C. Method 新材料密度用β测量刻度误差的蒙特卡罗模拟修正
By analyzing the inter-satellite measurement net of Walker constellation at some time in geometry and numeric, the correction of system error and random error caused by the change of orbit elements using different type of estimation of inter-satellite measurement net was provided quantitatively. 并通过对Walker星座某一时刻的星间观测网进行几何分析和数值分析,定量给出了利用不同类型的星间观测网对轨道根数变化引起的系统误差和随机误差的修正情况。
ⅲ The correction of error real estate registration. 不动产错误登记的更正。
Moreover, the correction rate of error repair is also different across different proficiency levels. 同时,错误修正的正确率在不同口语水平说话者之间也存在差异。